| 1. | Export taxes on cash crops have also been used to encourage the production of domestic food crops in order to attain self-sufficiency . 还使用经济作物征收出口税以鼓励国内粮食作物的生产,从而达到自给自足。
| 2. | Increased production of food and cash crops and higher rural incomes have been important objectives for government of developing countries . 提高粮食和经济作物的产量并且增加农村收入已成为各发展中国家政府的重要目标。
| 3. | High - yielding cultivation of cash crop safflower 多用途经济植物红花及其高产栽培技术
| 4. | I see . what is the main cash crop 我明白了。那主要的收入来源是什么呢?
| 5. | Once it ' s approved , it should be our newest cash crop 一旦验收了这将是我们最新的经济作物
| 6. | Snack food is the main cash crop 小吃,零食是主要的收入来源。
| 7. | Cash crop acreage 商品作物耕种面积
| 8. | Application of sprinkler irrigation technology in cash crops irrigation of guangdong province 喷灌技术在广东省经济作物灌溉中的应用
| 9. | For this pattern early rice and late rice in summer , cash crops in winter were mainly planted 这种模式以夏季早稻、晚稻,冬季一季经济作物为主。
| 10. | They cultivated in mountainous areas of jiangxi province , planting the cash crop and food farm crop 他们在江西的山区进行垦殖,种植经济作物和粮食作物。